Friday, November 29, 2013

Two Ingredients Will Make The Muffin

I am not totally sure, but I think this very simple muffin dessert could be made with a sort of Dutch oven method.  Since the only two ingredient are canned and boxed, it would be easy to have these items in your storage.  Check this out.

This is how you do it at home -

Mix the dry ingredients of the cake mix box, directly into the small can of pumpkin, until fairly smooth.  Add a spoonful into a non stick mini muffin pan or a lightly greased mini muffin pan, and bake at 350 degrees for about 12 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Thinking along the line of a dutch over - I think you could add this to any small pan, add to a dutch oven, and cook over an open fire.  You could also put the mix in a cast iron fry pan, cover and cook over a small fire til done.  You would then have a loaf instead of a muffin, but who is going to argue that?  

This is a perfect time to check out this amazing camping oven. My brother had one with him when we went camping and it was amazing.  Could have you feeling quite spoiled, even during a really tough time.

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