Saturday, November 16, 2013

Baby Steps When Prepping

I can not say enough, how important i is for me to do my mini prepping with out feeling stressed to the point of giving up.  Here is yet another suggestion on how to pull this off.

Baby steps, every day.  Sort of sounds like some sort of rehab but it really is just the opposite.  Every day is the truly important part here.  So consider this - if you do just one little thing each and every day, you will keep the ball rolling.  You will also enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.  And the bottom line here is that you will be preparing.

Here's a couple things that I do that may seem silly to some but really are part of my long term goal.

It doesn't matter where you live.  You are told "don't feel the wild life" because it attracts wild life that you don't want hanging around.  And the wild animal become accustom to being fed by humans and that is not a good thing.  Then you have the fact that most people do not know what is right for the animal diets.

This all being considered, I do not follow the rules very well.  I love my wild life and I do supply a wee bit of food for them.  I have a large number of quail in my area.  They tend to eat almost anything, not only at my house but all over the neighborhood.  I throw veggie and bread scraps out into my yard to keep them around.  Why? It is obvious.  If push come to shove, for a while I will have a bit of fresh meat available with the quail.  The other option, in a big disaster, would be to cage some of these birds and raise them for the eggs.

Another animal that live on my property is rabbits.  They come around to check out the scraps on a regular basis making them fair game if needed.  I have a Heart Trap that I use for the feral cats and that is one of the best items that I own. In fact, I would say it is really at the top of my list of  'need to have' items.   And NO - I don't harm the cats.  I take them in for spaying, neutering and to get all their shots so they can be healthy and effective farals.

 Click here to find more info on where to buy this must have item at a great price
this trap is not only good for cat and rabbit capture but you can also set it to be very sensitive and catch the larger birds (like quail) also.  

This brings me to the next part of my daily routine that will be beneficial if there is any type of emergency or disaster.  Feral cats. 

Every year I get so darn pissed off at the disgusting excuse of humans who dump their unwanted pets in the desert next to my home.  Yep - I have a real issue with these people.  What they leave me with are dogs and cats who are scared and hungry and many, already dying from neglect.   Thanks goodness there is an animal rescue in my area that take in the dogs when we get them captured.  And to cats too.  But many of the cats remain uncaptured and turn wild and begin to propagate.  One female cat turns into a dozen in a year. 

This is where turning a wild cat into a healthy feral becomes a bit of a mission.  I trap these cats, have them 'fixed', given a full check up and they get all immunizations and treatments that any cat could possibly need.  That's the best I can do to give these cats a fighting chance in the wild. 

What does this have to do with prepping, you may ask.  First, I'm going to do this even if I was not prepping.  On the prepping side tho, the last thing I want is a bunch of ill animals around my home if I am already dealing with survival.  Also - these wild little creatures take care of the rodent population in many ways.  Rodents carry disease that I don't want to deal with either.  If you are thinking that a few mice aren't a big deal, then you have not lived in a rural area.  A few mice can chew through you plastic container of rice in a matter of days.  They may be attracted to your emergency electric wiring.  And mice are a small part of the rodent population.  We have skunks and rats and moles and then there are the other pest that cats tend to scare off, or eat.  The list will continue with scorpions, centipedes, snakes and I could go on but you get the picture here.  So, feral cats will be on my list, on a daily basis, to keep healthy.  I guess we server each other pretty well here.

That's my simple couple of things I do, every day, to Be Ready.  Baby steps and enjoyable too.

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